Термический - электронные компоненты Поиск - Bom, Distributor, Quick Cotatation 365Day Гарантия


Ингеррованая сэма (так -а -а -ай -айпой илиикразипом). МАЛЕЙНКОВАЯ ПЛОСКОХАЯ (ИЛИ «ИП») СПОЛУПРОВОВОДОДОКОВОВОЙ. ИНГЕРЕЙСКОН Весели, и я Чipsы ic naryodypse -nalyshikik walchips electronics. Allchips opredlageot invennathriзaцiю, цenoosobraзovanie ytablyцы daannnыхdnnых dlapovow- ic. Верно, я, то, что, то, что, просмотриот и я, я,

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CTS Thermal Management Products 7-361-BA CTS Thermal Management Products 7-361-BA CTS Thermal Management Products Коробка Heatsink Vert Horz to-220 CTS Thermal Management Products 7-361-BA
$ 1
CTS Thermal Management Products 7-362-BA CTS Thermal Management Products 7-362-BA CTS Thermal Management Products Heatsink Vert Horz S Кладками, 220 CTS Thermal Management Products 7-362-BA
CTS Thermal Management Products PSC22CB CTS Thermal Management Products PSC22CB CTS Thermal Management Products Коробка Зaжig radiaotro na чernom do-220 CTS Thermal Management Products PSC22CB
$ 188
CTS Thermal Management Products TXB2P019028B CTS Thermal Management Products TXB2P019028B CTS Thermal Management Products Поднос ТЕПЛОВОЙ СССЛКА НАСАНА CTS Thermal Management Products TXB2P019028B
Aavid, Thermal Division of Boyd Corporation 530614B00000G AAVID, TEPLOVOEPOEPOUSOPOUSE PODRAзDELENEE BOYD CORPORATION 530614B00000G AAVID, ThePlovoE raзdeneene Boyd Corporation Симка Heatsink to-220 4.5WH = ​​.5 "BLK Aavid, Thermal Division of Boyd Corporation 530614B00000G
$ 2,63
Aavid, Thermal Division of Boyd Corporation 568103B00000G Aavid, teplovoe podraзdeleneene boyd corporation 568103b00000g AAVID, ThePlovoE raзdeneene Boyd Corporation МАССА Heatsink to-3 12w H = 0,75 "BLK Aavid, Thermal Division of Boyd Corporation 568103B00000G
Essentra Components TO-218-70 Essentra Components to-218-70 Эsentracomponennetы МАССА 218-70 Essentra Components TO-218-70
Molex 0737390006 Molex 0737390006 МОЛЕКС Поднос 0737390006 Molex 0737390006
Molex 0737390015 Molex 0737390015 МОЛЕКС Поднос 0737390015 Molex 0737390015
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Molex 0739740004 Molex 0739740004 МОЛЕКС МАССА 0739740004 Molex 0739740004
Bergquist SP400-0.007-00-17 Bergquist SP400-0.007-00-17 БЕРКВИСТ МАССА TyrmiчeSkaya pauda 41,91x28,96 мм Bergquist SP400-0.007-00-17
Wakefield-Vette 240-118ABH-22 Wakefield-Vette 240-118ABH-22 Yэйkfiold-vettt МАССА Heatsink to-220 Vert Twist Fin Wakefield-Vette 240-118ABH-22
$ 0,43
Aavid, Thermal Division of Boyd Corporation 508322B00000G Aavid, tyrmiчeskoe podraзdeleneee boyd corporation 508322b00000g AAVID, ThePlovoE raзdeneene Boyd Corporation МАССА Рриатор Aavid, Thermal Division of Boyd Corporation 508322B00000G
$ 3,59
CTS Thermal Management Products 7-438-X44-BA CTS Thermal Management Products 7-438-X44-BA CTS Thermal Management Products Рриатор CTS Thermal Management Products 7-438-X44-BA
Bergquist BP100-0.008-00-1010 Bergquist BP100-0.008-00-1010 БЕРКВИСТ МАССА Tyrmiчeskaya pauda 254mmx254mm c adh wht Bergquist BP100-0.008-00-1010
$ 22,7
Bergquist SP900S-0.009-00-02 Bergquist SP900S-0.009-00-02 БЕРКВИСТ МАССА TyrmiчeSkayapa -prada 45,21x31,75 мм Bergquist SP900S-0.009-00-02
$ 2,9
Keystone Electronics 4636 Keystone Electronics 4636 Keystone Electronics МАССА 4636 Keystone Electronics 4636
$ 0,26
Keystone Electronics 4652 Keystone Electronics 4652 Keystone Electronics МАССА 4652 Keystone Electronics 4652
$ 0,08
Keystone Electronics 4653 Keystone Electronics 4653 Keystone Electronics МАССА Tyrmiчeskaya ploщadka 42.04x27 мм Keystone Electronics 4653
$ 0,08
Keystone Electronics 4657 Keystone Electronics 4657 Keystone Electronics МАССА 4657 Keystone Electronics 4657
Keystone Electronics 4663 Keystone Electronics 4663 Keystone Electronics МАССА 4663 Keystone Electronics 4663
$ 0,13
Keystone Electronics 4666 Keystone Electronics 4666 Keystone Electronics МАССА Tyrmiчeskaya ploщadka 34.04x19,81 мм Keystone Electronics 4666
$ 0,18
Keystone Electronics 4667 Keystone Electronics 4667 Keystone Electronics МАССА 4667 Keystone Electronics 4667
$ 0,18
Keystone Electronics 4729 Keystone Electronics 4729 Keystone Electronics МАССА 4729 Keystone Electronics 4729
$ 5,08
Keystone Electronics 4731 Keystone Electronics 4731 Keystone Electronics МАССА Комфорид Keystone Electronics 4731
Wakefield-Vette 120-80 Wakefield-Vette 120-80 Yэйkfiold-vettt МАССА Силиконо в СМАХКА 5 ФУНТОВ Wakefield-Vette 120-80
$ 162,79
Wakefield-Vette 217-36CT6 Wakefield-Vette 217-36CT6 Yэйkfiold-vettt МАССА Heatsink Dpak Smt Tin Plated Wakefield-Vette 217-36CT6
Wakefield-Vette 243-3PAB Wakefield-Vette 243-3Pab Yэйkfiold-vettt Heatsink to-220 Clip-On BLK Wakefield-Vette 243-3PAB